Our Governors
Welcome to the Governors pages of our website
Christ Church Primary School is a positive, nurturing and inclusive school where pupils can learn and flourish in a stimulating environment. The Governors, drawn from diverse backgrounds, share a commitment to work together with the school senior leadership team, staff, pupils, parents, the local church community and wider community to achieve the very best education for each and every child.
Please read below for more information about our role and how we work.
Our main role is to support the Headteacher and the staff – the phrase often used to describe this role is ‘a critical friend’. Our main duties include:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and it's pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The full governing body meets twice a term. Every year it agrees strategic priorities for the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
For 2023-2024 our educational priorities include:
- To develop vocabulary acquisition and provide increased opportunity for debate, critical thinking and questioning.
- To ensure that all children develop a secure, transferable knowledge of basic literacy throughout the school and across all subjects.
- To create a greater capacity in each child to understand and apply mathematical calculation when solving arithmetic problems.
- To ensure that all children have the essential knowledge and skills to prepare them for future success.
- To continue to develop the skills of curriculum subject leaders.
- For EYFS, to provide an individualised curriculum and interventions and focus on the development of gross and fine motor control.
Committees and Areas of Responsibility
The governing body is supported by 2 committees, each meeting once per term. The Curriculum and Welfare Committee and the Resources Committee both have an annual plan of standing items, and areas of focus depending on the priorities agreed by the governing body and driven by the School Improvement Plan (SIP). These committees go into school, conduct learning walks, book reviews and meet with staff and pupils to inform their work.
There is also an admissions committee for the annual admissions process and we sometimes set up committees or working groups to look at particular issues (such as pay, performance management). A small group (Headteacher, Governor responsible for Finance and the School Finance Officer) meets regularly to monitor school finances between our termly governor meetings.
Governors also have areas of responsibility, based on their experience and interests. Individual governors meet with the member of staff responsible for the specific area to ensure effective oversight and feedback to the governing body. Examples include: Safeguarding, SEND and pupil premium, RE and vision, PE, and Early Years.
Categories of Governor
There are several categories of governor, appointed by different groups that have an interest in the school.
There are foundation governors appointed to support the Christian ethos of the school. These are appointed by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) of Christ Church Barnet, the London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS) and by Barnet Deanery Synod. There are also parent governors elected by the parent body; a staff governor and a Local Authority governor. All governors have equal status, however they are appointed.
We attend training sessions to help to keep us up to date with changes in schools and education and to help us to do our job effectively.
Tamzin Arora and the Governors of Christ Church CE Primary School.
If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors, her email address is: [email protected]
A complete list of our governors and their roles, and other important documents, can be found by clicking on the document links below.
Governor Roles and Responsibilities
Governors' Fund
We are very grateful for the contributions made by parents to our Governors' fund which goes towards ensuring our children have the best learning environment we can provide. A letter regarding this can be accessed below, together with the Gift Aid declaration form and standing order mandate.