At Christ Church School our curriculum is linked by our vision and values. We create learners for life by ensuring that the curriculum is relevant and purposeful and prepares children for the next stages of their lives and beyond.


Through God's love, we learn, aspire and achieve; we flourish

Our curriculum has been designed to be

  • Inclusive, ensuring it reflects the society in which we live.
  • one that encourages our children to be connected to their learning, using metacognition strategies and skills to  learn deeply.
  • an active curriculum, aspirational , relevant and fun
  • a curriculum that encourages children to think critically, problem solve and question.
  • one that makes use of our extensive grounds and a curriculum that uses the outdoors as a learning space.
  • a curriculum that uses the strengths of a one form entry school to develop close whole school learning links in a powerful way, incorporating families and the community.
  • Adaptable, using and developing our children's interests.
  • A curriculum that supports IT and the ever-changing world in which we live.


We have designed our curriculum to ensure our children learn well and deeply. It covers all aspects of the National Curriculum in an interesting and stimulating way and learning across topics is linked to ensure it is meaningful and can be built upon at all levels. The curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of our children and we teach them how to build a bank of metacognition strategies and skills to allow them to take ownership of their learning and learn independently and well. 

Our purpose is to develop pupils who can think critically and care about their learning so they will always do their best, We aim to develop resilient learners who can solve problems and have a growth mindset. We encourage perseverance and trust.

We aim to develop creative individuals who collaborate and cooperate developing a thirst for knowledge and the wisdom to use this with compassion.

We aim to develop pupils who care about their role as part of a family, community and the wider world; encouraging them to feel part of, and contribute positively to fundamental British values. To value service and respect everyone as unique and special.

We want to ensure that all pupils have high aspirations and are inspired to achieve their full potential and to flourish.


Teaching and learning is through a highly stimulating and engaging topic-based creative curriculum. Topics are chosen to excite children's passion for learning. Meaningful links are made between subjects, so that children develop a broad and coherent understanding of a topic. We actively encourage highest quality, cross curricular learning as a vehicle for pupils to achieve well. An immersion day is an important feature of the start of each topic to enthuse and inspire our pupils.

We value and include other enrichment activities such as visits to theatres , museums, galleries, nature areas, local historical and geographical walks, visiting performers, focus days for arts, literacy, PE, health and SMSC work.

Our school is well sited in a green space and our curriculum uses this rich resource to instil a joy of learning outdoors and encouraging physical well being.

The curriculum includes opportunities for children to  participate in two residential trips to develop personal resilience and team-building and a geography field trip to an organic farm, which includes a trip to the coast to learn about rock formation.

Our Year 5 children participate in the Young Leaders Challenge which further develops leadership skills and problem solving.

Throughout their time in school, the children are encouraged to take part in productions, choirs, orchestra, clubs, swimming and learn a musical instrument.


Christ Church children flourish at our school. They become happy and confident learners, keen to learn, aspire and achieve. They are well-prepared for the next stage of their learning journey and leave us with a deep understanding of our values and meaningful application of them. We ensure that every child is nurtured and valued and our curriculum is accessible to all children irrespective of their background, gender, ability, or religion. We meet the needs of all children and provide a curriculum that challenges them to question and think critically, be bold and confident in their achievements and to reach their potential. 

Whole School Topic Overview

KEY STAGE 1 and 2

National Curriculum

The National Curriculum applies to pupils of compulsory school age in community and foundation schools, including community special schools and foundation special schools, and voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools.

Compulsory Subjects

Religious Education (RE)





Art & Design


Physical Education (PE)


Other Subjects

Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)
