The importance of early childhood education can't be overstated. A child's early years are the foundation for their future development, providing a strong base for lifelong learning and learning abilities, including cognitive and social development.

In our nursery, the needs of the children are paramount and we are proud that our children are happy, settled and confident in their learning. The partnership with parents is a strong one and we value a child centred, play based curriculum.

The Nursery hours are 9am to 3.30pm and we offer flexibility as to how parents choose to use their 15/30 hour entitlement. The children can start nursery after their 3rd birthday and there is the option to pay a low fee until they qualify for the free entitlement. 

We can also offer a Breakfast Club from 7.45am and After School Club until 5pm.


We are set in extensive grounds and the outdoors is a valuable aspect of our curriculum. Our children learn outside in all weathers and a pair of wellington boots is part of the uniform, as is a sun-cap and sunscreen!

We share our site with the Reception class and the children have the opportunity to play together, lunch together and learn together. This provides a unique experience for both classes.


We aim to provide a high quality, successful pre-school experience for each child and family.

We support children to be highly motivated, interested and have a sense of their own achievement. We encourage them to be independent learners, developing their natural curiosity about the world as well as meeting their personal, social and emotional needs. We encourage them to develop positive attitudes to learning, to persevere when challenged, show compassion for one another and develop trust and respect.


Our curriculum is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which meets the needs of all children and provides them with essential learning opportunities. It focusses on the development of the whole child.

There are three prime areas: Personal, Social & Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication & Language.

And four specific areas: Literacy, Numeracy, Understanding of the World and Expressive Art & Design.

Children are encouraged to participate in a range of different activities, indoors and outdoors. They engage in activities independently and with their friends, as well as taking part in adult facilitated activities that are planned from children’s interests and developmental needs. We plan the environment, resources and activities carefully so that each child accesses them at their own level and is able to reach their potential in their learning.

We communicate regularly with parents and carers and use an online platform called Tapestry to share learning experiences and celebrate achievement. Parents meet regularly with the nursery teacher to discuss progress and identify next steps in learning.

Settling In: We aim to ensure that your child settles easily and well into nursery and acknowledge the important role played by a successful transition. It will establish security and trust for the future. The quality of the partnership we hold with parents is significant and we know that children are happier and achieve more when the home school relationship is a strong and supportive one.

When you accept a place at our nursery, we will offer a home visit and encourage you to come into the nursery with your child before their start date.

“Settling in” happens slowly and is tailored to meet the needs of your child. We will work closely with you to ensure that your child, and you, feel safe and supported through the process.


We enable all children to become successful learners who enjoy learning, make excellent progress and achieve their potential. We aim to ensure they become learners for life and develop the skills necessary to continue their learning journeys successfully.