We aim to provide the highest quality mathematical learning to ensure that our children succeed well and develop skills for life. We believe that mathematics develops the mind and highly valued cognitive skills, and as such we appreciate the significant role it plays in the life opportunities of our pupils in the wider world. In order to fully equip our pupils for life, it is essential to foster a positive attitude towards maths and an understanding that it is always good to question and want to know more.
We have a Mastery approach to the teaching of Mathematics and use the “Power Maths” scheme to ensure consistence and progression across the school. We are part of the Mathematics Excellence Hub, and through this, our teachers and teaching assistants have received regular training and excellent models of good practice.
The children receive daily maths lessons which are carefully designed to incorporate the key skills of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving. Our teaching and learning activities foster positive attitudes, motivation and fascination so that as our pupils solve a problem for the first time, they are encouraged to discover a variety of ways to get to a solution and make links between the different areas of mathematics. When using and applying their mathematical understanding, we encourage the children to decide what approaches to adopt, use a range of mathematical techniques in exploring the problem, find solutions, generalise and communicate their reasoning.
We teach through varied and frequent practice, with increasingly complex problems over time.
Regular assessments inform our teaching to allow for tailored support, consolidation and mastery of understanding throughout the school.
We encourage and support links between home and school, recognising the importance of parental involvement in children’s learning. We hold parental workshops to support parents with mathematical knowledge which is essential to ensure that our children have a consistent approach and vocabulary to build on. We subscribe to an online maths platform called “My Maths”, and set regular homework for children to complete at home with parents support.
Our children receive a high-quality mathematics education which ensures a foundation for understanding the world (wisdom), encourages an ability to reason mathematically (perseverance), an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics (respect), and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject (trust).
Our children become fluent in the fundamentals of maths and develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. They can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
They can solve problems by applying their knowledge to a variety of questions, including breaking problems into a series of simpler steps and using perseverance in seeking solutions.
Christ Church CE Primary Maths Overview Curriculum Map
Key Stage 1 Calculation Policy
Lower Key Stage 2 Calculation Policy
Upper Key Stage 2 Calculation Policy