Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)
The Nursery and Reception classes are an integral part of our school and although the curriculum they follow is the EYFS Curriculum, it’s intent and purpose is the same as in our Main school.
From the moment that your child joins us, our vision embeds all that we do and equips your child with the skills and curiosity to be a life-long learner.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that the aims of the EYFS Curriculum as set out by the DFE are fully met. It is planned to provide a broad and balanced foundation for learning for all children and to ensure they develop, consolidate and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills across all areas of learning. The curriculum needs of each child are valued and planned for and the children are the core of all decisions that are made.
All staff are well qualified and knowledgeable about the typical development of children and their characteristics of learning and have extensive understanding of child development.
Our curriculum is designed to give children the skills they need to succeed. It is coherently planned and builds upon what children know and can do.
Staff ensure that the children develop skills across the seven areas of learning in an age –appropriate way. The Prime areas are well planned for and it is through these three areas that the specific areas are taught. There is a perfect balance between teacher and pupil initiated activities.
Purposeful, well planned play opportunities are provided which ensure the needs of all children are fully met. The staff organise the curriculum and pedagogy in relation to the learning needs of their children. The children learn through a topic based approach and a quality book is used as a stimulus for learning. The topic is chosen by the teacher but is based upon the children’s own interests and needs.
A discrete Phonics session is taught daily using the Letters and Sounds materials.
The mathematics curriculum is designed to ensure children develop a firm foundation on which to build new concepts. Children are encouraged to discuss their learning and question, investigate and problem-solve.
Stories, poems, rhymes and imaginative role-play are essential for high quality learning and all opportunities to use and develop them are planned for during the school day. Children develop their vocabulary and understanding of language across all areas of learning.
Our outside learning environment is a valuable resource and one we take full advantage of. This environment is well planned for and accessible to the children all the time, regardless of the weather. All opportunities for outdoor learning are well provided for.
There is a weekly Forest School for Nursery and Reception children and the children are encouraged to explore and make use of their environment in a creative way.
Links with parents are very strong. Parents are involved in all aspects of their children’s learning and there is regular dialogue between home and school.
The children enjoy their learning and form positive attitudes towards everything they do. They listen well, cooperate with one another and demonstrate attention, concentration and pride.